Sunday, June 27, 2010

Overcome Your Depression Naturally - The Truth About AntiDepressant Medications

If you are suffering from major depression and you go to a family physician, he will most likely prescribe an antidepressant drug to treat your depression. But before you swallow that pill, learn the facts about these commonly prescribed antidepressant drugs and carefully weigh the benefits against the risks.

The most common prescribed antidepressants are from a class of compounds known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). Drugs in this class include:

  • Citalopram (Celexa)

  • Escitalopram (Lexapro)

  • Fluvoxamine (Luvox)

  • Fluoxetine (Prozac)

  • Paroxetine (Paxil)

  • Sertraline (Zoloft)

These SSRIs act on a chemical in the brain called Serotonin which regulates mood, pain, sleep, mental alertness and other bodily functions. Thus, these antidepressants cause a wide range of side effects.

Common side effects include apathy,  sexual problems, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, sleeping disorders, nightmares, eating disorders, weight loss or gain, and fatigue. Some ot these side effects may disappear after a few weeks of taking the drug, but others persist and could even get worse.

SSRIs can also be addictive and cause serious withdrawal symptons if you stop taking them abruptly. Getting off the drug becomes very difficult and tough. These symptons may be quite severe and debilitating and can include sexual dysfunction, irritability, hostility, extreme agitation and aggression.  In short, these antidepressant drugs can seriously worsen, rather than cure, depression and studies indicate that these drugs can increase suicidal risk in children and young adults.

However, there is a safe and effective all natural alternative to these SSRIs. NO health risks! NO prescription, NO drugs, NO side effects!

Click image below and discover how you can stop your depression naturally!

and if you are depressed because of your weight, here is the solution...

or due to bedroom problems ....